Free Boiler Replacements in Bradford

If you live in Bradford, there is a high probably that you will still be able to claim a free boiler via the ECO Scheme. Due to the recent funding cuts, there are only a small number of installers who are still able to carry out the installs until more funding arrives.

Check if you qualify!

Check if you qualify for a free boiler in bradford, if you do, you could reduce your gas bills by up to £250 per year! You will get a new boiler, installation and a warranty.

Be quick!

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Posted in Boiler Replacement Scheme, Free Boilers, Free Boilers 2014
5 comments on “Free Boiler Replacements in Bradford
  1. Wendy Taylor says:

    I live in Leeds, would I be okay to claim?

  2. jawaed hussain says:

    I am on a low income(less than £15000 per year) and in receipt of child tax credits.I believe i qualify for a free boiler replacement grant.Please could contact me

  3. Define says:

    Really great, I live in Bradford – I’m going to see if I can apply now!

  4. Nichola womersley says:

    How do I go about this, I received tax credits etc how can I apply

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