The Free Boiler Scheme in 2014

Free Boiler

The free boiler scheme was introduced by the UK government in 2013 to help those at risk of fuel poverty and in low income households to access 100% funded home improvements for efficient measures including free replacement boilers, cavity wall insulation and loft insulation. To have a new boiler installed by the likes of, let’s say, british gas, you’d be looking to spend upwards of £4000.00. So, for a household which has a very low-income, a free boiler replacement is a huge benefit.

The benefits of a new, free boiler

If you have an old, in-efficient boiler, you are literally throwing money out of the window. If your current boiler is over 10 years old, or ‘G’ rated, your boiler is likely to be around 60% efficient. This means that for every £1 you spend on heating up your boiler, you are wasting around 40p. That is a

Free Boiler

huge wastage. A new ‘A’ rated boiler is around 90%+ efficient meaning that for every £1 spent on heating an A rated boiler, you are only wasting somewhere in the region of 10p. Which is a huge saving! Under the governments ECO Scheme, if you qualify, you can have a free boiler installed in your home, which is 100% covered, you do not have to re-pay the money back at any time. So, to re-cap, you could save up to £250 per year by replacing your old gas boiler, under the ECO scheme, you could have an A Rated boiler installed free of charge in 2014. See if you qualify for a free boiler.

Can I Get A Free Boiler?

The boiler replacement scheme started in 2013, since it started, thousands of households have had boilers installed in their homes completely free of charge. If you receive income-related benefits, there is a very high chance that you could qualify for a free replacement boiler. If you are the home owner, private tenant of even the landlord of tenants in your property, you could qualify for a 100% funded free gas boiler to be installed in your home. New boilers are much more efficient, carry warranties and are much more reliable.

Apply for a free boiler online.

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Posted in Boiler Scheme 2013, ECO Scheme 2014, Free Boilers, Free Boilers 2014, Uncategorized
9 comments on “The Free Boiler Scheme in 2014
  1. Gwen Davies says:

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  2. Great Service! says:

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  3. Tasha Coles says:

    My boiler is being installed next wednesday, thank god!

    This is a real scheme, my house has been energy surveyed and i have an engineer coming tomorrow. I’m based in Bradford and it’s a local company who are doing the install.

    Thanks! x

  4. John Biggs says:

    To your success your friend, Love free boilers!


  5. Samuel says:

    Thanks for the post!

  6. Joanathan Jones says:

    Free boilers? Yes Please!

  7. Chelsea says:

    I can’t wait until my boiler gets replaced, My house is freeeeeezzzinnggggggggggg

  8. cheap jorda says:

    I didn’t realise the free boiler scheme was going to keep running in 2014

  9. Jon says:

    2014 should be a great year for ECO!

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