Free Boiler if on Tax Credits

If you receive tax credits, either working tax credits, or child tax credits, there is a high probability that you will qualify for a free boiler under the ECO Scheme.

Why do those on Tax Credits get a Free Boiler?

The UK Government has set-up a scheme, called ECO, the Energy Company Obligation. It has been set up to help those in low-income households or those in fuel poverty, have energy efficiency improvement sin stalled in to their homes free of charge. These can include free cavity wall insulation, free loft insulation and free boilers. One of the most commonly received benefits in the UK is Child Tax Credits, and this has had the most success in the ECO Scheme to help people have free boilers installed.

It’s Income-Related

If you receive child tax credits, you tick one of the boxes. In order to fully qualify, you will also need to have a household income of less than £15,860 per year. If you tick both of the boxes you will claim a free boiler through the Government.

Get Tax Credits and want to know if you qualify for a free boiler?

Check out the following website…

Thanks! :-)

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Posted in Boiler Replacement Scheme, Free Boilers, Free Boilers 2014
One comment on “Free Boiler if on Tax Credits
  1. Marianna Czina says:

    I’m in tax credit and my income is less as 15000.can I get a now boiler please

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