What type of boilers are fitted on the free boiler scheme?

What type of boilers are fitted on the free boiler scheme?

Depending on what type of boiler you currently have in your home, will determine what type of free replacement boiler can be installed. If you have a combi boiler in your home which is over 8 years old, and not condensing, then you will be able to get a brand new A rated combi boiler installed in to your home free of charge.

If you currently have a boiler, and a separate hot water cylinder, you may be able to get this converted in to a combi boiler depending on how much ECO funding is available for your particular property. The amount of funding varies depending on how poorly efficient your property is. The more less efficient your home, the more funding will be available in order to complete a conversion of your system boiler in a combi boiler system.

What boiler brands are installed in the boiler replacement scheme?

You can have boilers from the top brands installed via the ECO scheme. Most commonly, you will be able to get a Vaillant boiler, or an Ideal. These are very popular boiler brands, and if you qualify, you can have one installed in to your home free of charge.

We hope thats answered your questions!

The GFB team!

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